Parallèle 15

Dance, performance, visual arts

January 31—February 8, 2025

Festival of international emerging artistic practices

Marseille and Aix-en-Provence



The Festival Parallèle team is available to assist you at + 33 (0)4 95 04 95 00 or via email at:

To stay updated on the festival, you can subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

To write to us, here’s our address:
41 rue Jobin
13003 Marseille

Visit the Plateforme Parallèle website for more information.

Based in Mar­seille, Pa­ral­lèle is a multi-fa­ce­ted as­so­cia­tion. Its ac­ti­vi­ties are all gea­red to­wards sup­por­ting emer­ging ar­tis­tic prac­tices on an in­ter­na­tio­nal level and brin­ging contem­po­ra­ry crea­tions to as many people as pos­sible. Pa­ral­lèle, pra­tiques ar­tis­tiques émer­gentes in­ter­na­tio­nales, was foun­ded in 2006. It is constant­ly re­ne­wing it­self, in tune with changes in the world, in so­cie­ty, and in the needs of ar­tists and the cultu­ral sec­tor.

Over the years, Pa­ral­lèle has de­ve­lo­ped a com­ple­men­ta­ry and ar­ti­cu­la­ted ar­chi­tec­ture bet­ween :

Ar­tist sup­port, pro­duc­tion and dis­tri­bu­tion: Pa­ral­lèle’s pro­duc­tion and dis­tri­bu­tion cen­ter (dance, thea­ter, vi­sual arts, per­for­mance) is de­di­ca­ted to the new ge­ne­ra­tion of local, na­tio­nal and in­ter­na­tio­nal ar­tists. It works to de­ve­lop ar­tis­tic pro­jects, sup­port ca­reer paths and renew forms and lan­guages. It re­gu­lar­ly pro­duces out-of-the-or­di­na­ry pro­jects that stand out from the crowd;

Ar­tis­tic pro­gram­ming since 2006: the Fes­ti­val Pa­ral­lèle is a high-pro­file event or­ga­ni­zed in part­ner­ship with nu­me­rous cultu­ral ve­nues in Mar­seille and Aix-en-Pro­vence. Ac­ting as a bree­ding ground for ar­tists, it of­fers an in­ter­na­tio­nal, multi- and trans-dis­ci­pli­na­ry pro­gram (dance, thea­ter, per­for­mance, vi­sual arts) that re­veals the aes­the­tic rich­ness and thought-pro­vo­king power of the new ge­ne­ra­tion of ar­tists.

In­ter­na­tio­nal ar­tis­tic co­ope­ra­tion: Pa­ral­lèle is a mem­ber of Be My Guest, an in­ter­na­tio­nal net­work for emer­ging prac­tices, and of Radio That Mat­ters, a pro­ject de­di­ca­ted to sound crea­tion as a space of in­clu­si­vi­ty for the vi­sual­ly im­pai­red;

Trai­ning and pro­fes­sio­nal in­te­gra­tion through trai­ning pro­grams, mee­tings, pro­fes­sio­nal tools and ar­tis­tic men­to­ring;

In­clu­sion and so­li­da­ri­ty with the most di­sad­van­ta­ged: Pa­ral­lèle re­gu­lar­ly part­ners with local so­cial or­ga­ni­za­tions (La Cloche, Ra­mi­na, Un Autre Monde), with the aim of fa­ci­li­ta­ting ac­cess to art­works for the most di­sad­van­ta­ged and in­vol­ving them in crea­tive ex­pe­riences.

Pa­ral­lèle is re­co­gni­zed for its co­he­rence, high ar­tis­tic stan­dards and the im­pact of its ac­tions, and is re­gu­lar­ly in­vi­ted by cultu­ral ins­ti­tu­tions to work on its va­rious pro­jects.


Direction and programmation: Lou Colombani
Production and protocol assistant: Marie Féréol
Ticket office: Louis Grimandi
Administration: Simon Guieu
La Relève 7 coordination: Charlotte Morabin
Communication  and press: Iris Obadia
Technical manager: Guillaume Parmentelas
Production Maud Blandel : Claudia Petagna
Festival coordination: Frans Robert
Graphic design: Julia Andréone and Manon Bruet
Coordination: Joanne Journée
Development : Studio F451
Programme diffusion : Gabriel Bercolano
Artist transportation : Bertrand Schacre

Many thanks to Théâtre Joliette, Cie Accrorap, Annick, Gisèle, Paul, Anna, Corinne.


President: Sophie Lemaire
Treasurer : Béatrice Simonet
Deputy treasurer: Sophie Clot
Secretary: Jean Daniel

Members of the board:
Alexandre Field 
Aurélie Berthaut
Axelle Monge
Christine Paly
Francesca Corona 
Maxime Kottmann
Sarah Olaya 
Sebastien Pons
Tanguy Accart


Our values and commitments

Pa­ral­lèle sees it­self as a place of dis­co­ve­ry, plea­sure and sha­ring, and de­fends the va­lues of res­pect, in­clu­si­ve­ness, equa­li­ty, di­ver­si­ty and open­ness.

While ca­ring be­ha­viour may seem to be based on com­mon sense or good­will (not lea­ving so­meone who seems to be in dif­fi­cul­ty alone, en­cou­ra­ging lis­te­ning and dia­logue, etc.), so­me­times this is not en­ough, it can­not be taken for gran­ted. The fes­ti­val, in conjunc­tion with its part­ners and the ar­tists, is keen to im­ple­ment mea­sures to en­sure that this is a safe en­vi­ron­ment for eve­ryone, and that eve­ryone’s rights are res­pec­ted. No sexist, ho­mo­pho­bic, trans­pho­bic, ra­cist or dis­cri­mi­na­to­ry at­ti­tudes or com­ments will be to­le­ra­ted du­ring the fes­ti­val.

The fes­ti­val is com­mit­ted to :

- pla­cing human beings and their ac­ti­vi­ties at the heart of ar­tis­tic and cultu­ral ac­tion ;
- brin­ging to life the plu­ra­li­ty of ar­tis­tic forms as the foun­da­tion of cultu­ral ac­tion: we can­not judge, for­mat and/or res­trict the free­dom and means of ex­pres­sion that ar­tists in­tend to ex­plore in order to as­sume the force of their crea­tion;
- pro­tec­ting exis­ting ar­tis­tic forms and en­cou­ra­ging the emer­gence of new ones ;
- to gua­ran­tee the fun­da­men­tal right to cultu­ral di­ver­si­ty or the right of po­pu­la­tions to de­fine them­selves as in­di­vi­duals roo­ted in an ori­gi­nal cultu­ral uni­verse ;
- to en­sure the right to choose and ex­pe­rience one’s own culture, which is the basis for the free ex­pres­sion of the people who can be the au­dience for our events ;
- es­ta­blish simple and/or sim­pli­fied condi­tions for ac­ces­si­bi­li­ty to ar­tis­tic and cultu­ral choices for all mem­bers of the au­dience ;
- en­su­ring par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry de­mo­cra­cy by ta­king into ac­count any dy­na­mic that fa­ci­li­tates the in­te­gra­tion of the ini­tia­tives and in­vest­ments of all the par­ties concer­ned ;
- to af­firm the so­cial role played by the or­ga­ni­za­tion of a fes­ti­val ;
- to pre­serve the en­vi­ron­ment and na­tu­ral re­sources, the com­mon he­ri­tage of hu­ma­ni­ty, for the be­ne­fit of present and fu­ture ge­ne­ra­tions.

To en­sure that these com­mit­ments are ful­filled, the fes­ti­val team im­ple­ments a num­ber of concrete mea­sures:
- the fes­ti­val takes care to be eco-res­pon­sible at every level of its or­ga­ni­za­tion: team trans­por­ta­tion, anti-gaspi ca­te­ring using food from short cir­cuits and sus­tai­nable agri­cul­ture, re­duc­tion in meat consump­tion, use of re­cy­clable cro­cke­ry and ac­ces­so­ries, im­ple­men­ta­tion of se­lec­tive sor­ting on the event sites.
- a char­ter of com­mit­ment to res­pec­ting the rights and free­doms of every in­di­vi­dual, and to com­ba­ting all forms of dis­cri­mi­na­tion, ha­rass­ment and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal, phy­si­cal or sexual vio­lence, is ap­pen­ded to the part­ner­ship agree­ments with the ve­nues hos­ting the fes­ti­val, and to the dis­po­sal agree­ment si­gned with the guest ar­tis­tic teams. In this way, the fes­ti­val en­sures that all its staff work to­ge­ther at all le­vels to en­sure com­pliance with the law;
- a re­min­der of pro­du­cers’ res­pon­si­bi­li­ty to en­sure com­pliance with the law in the work­place is ap­pen­ded to this char­ter;
- in­vite eve­ryone to look after them­selves and others, and to ac­com­pa­ny anyone who seems to be in dif­fi­cul­ty to a safe place and to the fes­ti­val team.